Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spring Chick Check in #4

Last Weeks Starting Weight: 137.2
  1. go to crossfit three times, other workouts at least twice xfit 4, others zero
  2. take vitamins every single day fail
  3. Don't eat in front of the TV
  4. Track meals at least during weekdays went really well i'm starting to get the hang of tracking
  5. Drink more water yes and no
  6. incorporate at least one run into my workouts fail
 This Weeks Starting Weight: 134 - down 3.2lbs (4 total)

Last weeks Mini Challenge: No Sweets ice cream last night.. i honestly just forgot but that bums me out! I was so close.

This Week:
  1. go to crossfit three times, other workouts at least twice
  2. take vitamins every single day
  3. Don't eat in front of the TV
  4. Track meals at least during weekdays
  5. Drink more water
  6. incorporate at least one run into my workout

This weeks Mini Challenge: Find a new exercise. I may consider boxing to be my new exercise considering I only started the other day and other things I want to try, like Pure Barre or horseback riding, would be REALLY expensive to try and I just don't have the time or money to dedicate right now.

  • How was the 3rd week...? Great. Not as much exercise as the second but with classes starting and the workload beginning I still did fairly well.

  • Did you remain sweets free...? Right up until last night around midnight when I took hubby out for ice cream and got some myself. Somehow it slipped my mind that I was doing a no treats challenge and I'm actually pretty bummed about not making it!

  • How were your workouts? Awesome, I did 4 crossfit including the benchmark workout 'Fran'. I see I need to improve but I also see how I need to do it and Feb 1st I'm getting an unlimited membership and hopefully going every day.

  • How was your water consumption? Good some days, awful others.

  • What do you think of the mini challenges?  It was really good! And all of the other ones posted seem cool too. It's a nice way to interrupt your old habits and leave your comfort zone.

  • What did you do for yourself that was fun? Went out for ice cream I guess lol. Crossfit, I love crossfit. Oh and I made pictures.

  • Do can the challenge be improved? No! I love it :)


    1. You did AMAZING this week! 3.2lbs is seriously unheard of for someone who is already your size, you must be on cloud 9! Way to go!!!!!

    2. Looks like crossfit is really working for you. Way to go!

    3. Awesome job this week! :)

    4. That's an excellent loss! Way to go!!!

    5. I think you had a great week. You are like the CrossFit Chick... Love it!!! I think you did great on the challenge... way better than me. Have another awesome week.

    6. Great job this week! Looking forward to seeing what you can accomplish in Week 4. You're making me want to try crossfit eventually :)

    7. Doing great, keep it up! Good luck for this week :D

    8. No problem with the sweets here since I stopped using sugar nearly one year ago. You're doing such a fantastic job! Keep it up!

    9. That's awesome!!!! Great job this week and good job with the xfit... it's not an easy thing to do. Congrats on the weight loss that's really amazing. Keep up the good work

    10. Awesome loss and look, you can lose and still have some ice cream:-) All in moderation, great work on the exercising and other goals that you got in there!
